Mind Your Drink

1-in-10 Americans have Alcohol Use Disorder

Many are surprised to learn how few drinks it takes to cross into binge drinking territory. Join us as we shine a spotlight on this issue, educating ourselves and others and working toward a healthier relationship with alcohol.

Free Alcohol Use Assessment

Curious about your drinking habits?

Gain clarity and empower yourself to make informed choices with our free tool. This 10-question assessment offers insights to start your journey to a balanced lifestyle.

Alcohol Use in Texas

17.6% of Texas adults over 18 binge drink at least once per month.

The median number of drinks per binge is 5.6; 25% of most active drinkers consume a median of 9 drinks per binge.

81.9% of deaths
in Texas
from excessive alcohol use are adults aged 35 years and older.

71.1% of people who die from excessive alcohol use in Texas are male.

The CDC estimates 274,633 years
of potential life is lost to excessive alcohol use each year.

An average of 10,647 annual deaths in Texas are attributed to excessive alcohol use.

This fact sheet was compiled based on data available in 2023. For more information and full citations, visit: drugabusestatistics.org/alcohol-abuse-statistics

Individuals struggling with alcohol need a unique treatment plan of integrated care, treating the whole person.

If you need help, our team of certified addiction counselors will be there every step of the way for long-term recovery.


Gain valuable insight to address these challenges head-on and foster understanding, support, and healing within yourself and your community.