Patient Rights & Responsibilities
We want clients to be well-informed of their treatment program, understand their rights and responsibilities, and be prepared for the recovery process.

Your Rights and Responsibilities
You have rights as a client, including confidentiality, the right to receive humane treatment, and the right to participate in the development of your treatment plan.
Clients also have responsibilities while at Cenikor, such as attendance of groups, participation in therapy sessions, and adherence to program rules.

Confidentiality and privacy are essential to effective treatment. Patient records are protected under federal law, meaning we cannot say to a person outside the program that you are a patient here or disclose any information identifying you as a patient.
There are a few exceptions, such as if you consent in writing; the disclosure is allowed by court order; or the disclosure is made to medical personnel in an emergency or to qualified personnel for research, audit, insurance payments, or evaluation.
Medical Records
Former patients may request a copy of their medical record by contacting medicalrecords@cenikor.org.

Are you readyfor a better life?
Get Help NowWe want to assure you that your communication with us is always private and confidential. We will not share your information.